The past year is a rollercoaster of emotions -- I was happy to experience new things last 2013, however, today isn't quite complete because my mom has to rush home to Tacloban to attend her sister's wake (the second sibling to die since Yolanda). Although our family experienced tragedies this past few months, I'm still hopeful that 2014 will turn out to be more beautiful. I hope it will be a pleasant year for you as well. I'm a huge believer in goals. Some people might call it resolutions, but I choose to call it goals to make it more positive, and more achievable. Here are the things that I hope to do (or continue to do) this year... and hopefully the years after. 1. Get out of my comfort zone. Eat something unusual. Create last-minute trips. Move somewhere else. Who knows? 2. Travel alone. I was supposed to do this last year, unfortunately, I fell ill. I would love to travel alone, maybe back to Cebu? or some new place.