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14 Things to Achieve this 2014

The past year is a rollercoaster of emotions -- I was happy to experience new things last 2013, however, today isn't quite complete because my mom has to rush home to Tacloban to attend her sister's wake (the second sibling to die since Yolanda).

Although our family experienced tragedies this past few months, I'm still hopeful that 2014 will turn out to be more beautiful. I hope it will be a pleasant year for you as well. 

I'm a huge believer in goals. Some people might call it resolutions, but I choose to call it goals to make it more positive, and more achievable. 

Here are the things that I hope to do (or continue to do) this year... and hopefully the years after. 

1. Get out of my comfort zone.

Eat something unusual. Create last-minute trips. Move somewhere else. Who knows? 

2. Travel alone.

I was supposed to do this last year, unfortunately, I fell ill. I would love to travel alone, maybe back to Cebu? or some new place. 

3. Be entrepreneurial.

Last year was the birth of dudeygoodies, a joint venture with my dude. :) Thanks to everyone who purchased from us and I apologize for some shortcomings as we are still learning our way through the business. I do hope that this business of ours will be more successful this year. 

4. Get healthiER.

The latter part of 2013 is a lifestyle change for me: my daily diet now consists of 2 servings of fruit, 2 servings of veggies, and minimal sugar intake. I have become careful of my carb intake also, and I haven't felt any better. 

This isn't just to lose weight but to take better care of myself. Exercise would be the next goal. AJA!

Also, expect to see more healthy recipes or healthy dishes on this blog. 

5. Go back to reading. 

I totally missed out on reading last year. I can't promise to do a book challenge, but maybe a book or two a month will do. 

6. Learn how to bake.

I'm friends with people who love to bake, and it's a therapeutic activity for them. Also, I would love to learn how to bake my favorite dessert, cheesecake. :p

7. Spend more time with friends -- PHYSICALLY.

Technology now allows us to communicate with anyone in real-time. However, some people forgot the value of physical interaction. It's wonderful to be out with friends, talking to them face-to-face, beats chatting, and texting anytime. 

8. Set a regular ME time

Whether for a quick coffee, dinner, or movie, I think everyone needs to do something alone every once in a while. 

9. Try not to be forgetful

I juggle too many things at once that I often forget a lot of important things. A bunch of note-taking is needed, must be the age! :(

10. A disconnect day once a week.. or month?

A day with no internet or phone. Will I survive? Wish me luck. :P

11. Do not be afraid to ask questions.

I sometimes see asking questions as a sign of weakness. And I don't like to bother anyone because I know I can be makulit. However, how would one learn something new if one doesn't ask? 

12. Be a more active helper. 

I have been welcomed to PBO or Pinoy Bloggers Outreach last year. I know that I haven't exerted enough effort to help out, but this year I see myself to be more visible in their activities. Check out our Facebook Page for our next activity. Any help will be appreciated. :)

13. Keep this blog as personal as possible.

This blog started as a personal blog, then turned into a food and travel diary. I never claimed to be a food expert, nor claimed that this blog is a magazine or newspaper. I'll maintain this blog to feature the places I've been to and the food I have tasted, or anything that caught my fancy. Rest assured that I'll try my best to keep my posts as balanced and as ME as possible. 

14. Be thankful.

I thank you, dear reader, for spending time reading this little space of mine. I thank friends for being supportive of this blog. I also thank people who invite me to their events and for giving me a chance to meet new people. 

I'm thankful for all the experiences -- good or bad -- because, through those, I learn. 

Happy New Year! :)


  1. Happy new year, Michi! :) I'm sure you'll be able to achieve your 14 goals. I'm so sorry to hear about your family's loss. My sincerest condolences...

    Still, I'd like to wish you and your family a happier, more fruitful and more prosperous new year.

    1. Thanks Sumi. I really appreciate it. :)

      Happy New Year to you and your family as well. :)

  2. we almost have the same things that wewant to accomplish this 2014. this makes me really get excited every time I see my list :) God bless to us!!!!

    1. Hope we could accomplish our list. Happy New Year! :)

  3. WOOT WOOT! I love your list! Especially #2, I also aim to do that. Here's to hoping that we accomplish it! Happy new year, dear! <3

  4. sana magawa mo sila lahat para ang blogpost mo by the end of the year is how fulfilled you've been with these 14...and more. Happy new year! :-)

  5. happy new year michyyyyy!!!!! uhm if you do get the cheesecakes going... could you send some over hahahahahahaha!!!! enjoy enjoy enjoy with achieving thiese goals dear ^_^

    1. I will try my best. hahaha. Happy New Year Jeng! :)

  6. I agree, what sets a blog apart from others is its uniqueness so you should keep it yours as much as possible.

    1. Yes, I should always remember that. Happy New Year Rowena! :)

  7. Hey, my sincere condolences for your family's loss.. I hope 2014 is a happier year for you.
    Loved your list, it was full of self-improvement goals. :) Cheers!

    Just dropping by,

    1. Didn't realize it until you pointed it out. Thank you so much, Pepe. Happy New Year!

  8. To me you appear as a very determined person so I am sure you will be able to meet your goals. There are some things in your list that are also in my goals like traveling alone. I'm glad you are now planning to become an active member of PBO, see you in the anniversary outreach then.

    Also, I'm sorry to hear about what happened to some of your relatives in Tacloban. My condolences to you and your family.

    Happy new year Mich :)

    1. Awww. Thank you so much, Marge. The exercise thing is quite a challenge, but I hope I could do it. :P

      Happy New Year !

  9. Hi Michy, (this would be my 3rd attempt to comment on your blog as my tablet was acting up lol)

    Happy new year! :) I'm looking forward to you achieving your goals and I'm sure you will! Thank you for being a part of my 2013! More power! :)


    PS: Condolences and stay strong !

    1. Thank you for being a part of my year as well. Hope to see you again soon!

      Happy New Year, Allen!

  10. My new year usually begins 8 days after the actual New Year. Haha! I love the your list, and almost everything is something I want to achieve as well! Cheers Michy!


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