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Online Tools to Consider When Putting Up Your Own Business

Okay, people, time for a break from all the awesome places and mouth-watering dishes we’ve been featuring since this blog started. Today, I’m going to be introducing three online services that I think might also interest food lovers out there – especially those who might be thinking of putting up a food empire of their own. Ready? Here they are:

Depending on who you ask, there are a number of ways to succeed in business. But the common denominator is this: effective communication. Communication can only be effective if everyone in the company is involved – from top management to rank and file. This is the reason behind the emergence of CRM and corporate intranets. Then again, these tools don’t come cheap, and startups may find themselves having trouble affording them. is a new customer relationship management (CRM) system + Facebook-like intranet module where employees are informed of company updates as they happen, send correspondence to management and fellow employees, be reminded of activities and other obligations that need to be prioritized, analyze sales status, upload photos into a gallery – everything an efficient working environment needs. What more, is free for companies with 12 people or less. For businesses with more than 12 people, the service is priced at $99 per month. Plus, is cloud-based, meaning, no installation is necessary and can be accessed anywhere, web or mobile.

Compared to over a decade ago, airline travel has become a lot cheaper these days, thanks to low-cost airlines and online ticket sellers. But as of late, airlines don’t go around distributing their best and cheapest deals to price-comparison websites anymore. They don’t want potential consumers to get sidetracked by other deals offered by competing airlines. What they do is keep those deals among themselves – their corporate websites, that is – or third-party sites they have contracts with, forcing frugal consumers to scour every flight site, every airline site, every online ticketing agency to find the best possible deal they can afford. is your one-stop – yes, just one stop – meta search engine that sifts through hundreds and hundreds of flight sites, online ticketing agencies and individual airline sites to check for the cheapest and best deals possible and makes the data available for public use, eliminating the need to go from one site to another to get the best and cheapest possible airfare deals. Cool, eh?

In the same way a person is identified by his name, a business is represented by the brand or name the owner chooses. For businesses just starting out, this is a critical phase because as is often said, branding can either make or break. On the domain front, most website owners have gone through it – coming up with an idea for a domain, only to discover later that somebody already registered it. Millions and millions of TLDs (top-level domains) have already been registered, and lots are still being registered everyday. If you choose to hire an agency for your naming/branding needs, expect to pay a hefty sum. What’s your next best bet, you wonder? is a branding/naming service that caters to individuals and small businesses looking for the most relevant, most appropriate name for their business, product or service, website domain and even a slogan to go along with it. is a crowdsourcing haven to more than 50,000 naming professionals. And to avail of this crowd’s service, simply register as a client, deposit $50 for a name or website, or $75 for a slogan, describe the name/slogan you need and wait for suggestions to start coming in. And here’s something no other branding agency can confidently offer: If none of the suggestions matches your needs, you’re entitled to a refund.

This is a sponsored post.


  1. wow. Thank you so much for sharing these links.

  2. Thank you for this artik. :)

  3. wow, very helpful indeed! thanks so much for this!

  4. This article is very helpful! Thank you for the links! :)

  5. Wow this will really help since we're planning for the very long time to put up our own food empire. Thanks for this info.


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